Crystal Therapy Session By Celebrity Astrologer Priyanka Sawant
Crystal Therapy
As everyone knows God has created humans, natural environment & everything... in this world there are many things which he has kept for humans & animal to use for their own benefit ....which can help us in our daily life...
As It Is Said:-
Salt Water Bath - Cleansing the toxic & negativity of every type from the body,
Neem Pata (Leafs) - Help us prevents skin infections, Natural Skin Toner, Remedy For Dry Skin,
Tulsi (Basil Leaves) - Cures A Fever, Beats Stress, Keeps Your Skin And Hair Healthy And Glowing, Heals Respiratory Conditions....Etc...
The same way there are stones which are helpful to heal any person, animal, place, area, thing...etc
Through the method of Crystal therapy...it is a alternative method of therapy....which is been practice since ancient times,
About Crystal Therapy Works?
Country India having rich inherent studies & practices used since ancient times…. Crystals therapy is used as alternative medicine to heal health, etc.. Crystals Therapy is a balancing therapy for which there is proof since thousands of years to the ancient cultures of India, then got spreaded all over the world.
Crystals have an ancient belief of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to energy vibration at a certain frequency. It is this energy vibration that is said to give crystals their healing abilities. Applying this energy vibration in a logical way can help to restore stability and balance to the bodies energy systems, stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, Remove negativity, remove depression and to help us to become integrated, whole beings.
For Further Details Contact Us (+91) 9833824682
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Celebrity Astrologer Priyanka Sawant
About Priyanka Sawant:-
Celebrity Astrologer Priyanka Sawant is reputed, experience and renowned celebrity astrologer and researcher in the world, she is in this profession "Since 1998", & conduct training "since 2004″…
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Healing Crystals By Astrologer Priyanka Sawant
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Please Note The Following Points:-
We are astrologer & we are humans not God, its a God Blessing when our prediction goes right, as we always thank Lord Shiva for the blessing when our prediction goes right....we don’t take the credit of it....because after all God is the creator of every situation...
Through astrology studies we predict the future of a human being... So that you can take precaution in advance,
Dont contact us for black magic service as we dont provide, we don’t provide any magic or remedy going against the gods will....
Astrologers are not black magic practitioners....
We are spiritual people...we believe in God ....so if you want any negative energies don’t call us.... as we dont provide.
Thank You
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(+91) 9833824682
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