Myths Of Menstruation (Female Monthly Period) FAQs

FAQs - During Old Times Period Myths

  1. female hygiene care products for monthly period like we have now a days, today we have medication, sanitary pads, Menstruation cups, tampons, perfume etc still we have leakage problem
  2. but during old days female were using cloth, leaf, ashes, mud, etc ...
  3. female had to do lot of work in farms, cooking food, taking care of kids, cleaning house, outside house chores collecting water, washing clothes, washing vessels, etc
  4. so you can understanding female didnt had any hygiene care during that time, they used to have leakage, foul smell of blood, as well the female had stomach pain, weakness ...
  5. staying in different room myth : so our ancestor used to practice to give privacy to the female in monthly period by giving her a private room with different set of clothes, and sleeping bed/bedsheet etc, didnt allow her to do any work because female needs rest during this time,
  6. 4days myth : the female first 4days are considered to keep her away from kitchen and temple and work because of (4th point) and most female have period flow for 4 to 5 days heavy to low flow, very few experience 2 to 3days, some have for 10 to 15days heavy to low flow.
  7. temple or pray myth : female were not allowed to go to temple or pray during her period... its wrong myth...according to me as i mention above about hygiene care products were not there (point number 2 and 4) so female were ask to be away from others, as temple are crowded by female need to have her privacy during her period. stopping a female to enter a temple and not to do prayers was force practice and false myth.
  8. pickle myth : which was practice was by keeping female away from pickle jar or pickle making or never allowed the female in period to open the bottle...our ancestor used to practice this because when female was in her periods, her aura becomes little weak and negative, also as she is discharging negative unwanted blood from the body, so pickle is has natural preservative sense the negative aura and spoils so this is been practice. but mostly if you notice pickle with chemical preservative doesn't get spoiled during female in period opening the bottle.
  9. female period myth : keep it secret from others if you have period. because female was kept in private room, so some people belief it was a shameful act for female if she tell others, there is nothing wrong in there is no reason for this myth.
  10. (this sad but still some village females in India cnt have good female hygiene products or either they cnt effort it...this is another topic for debate)


FAQs - Positive Facts About Female Periods

  1. due to periods a female is consider as complete
  2. female is not impure or non touchable due to female in her period but impure blood collects in her body every month and it  flushes out every month... so female body is pure, her female negative energy is flushed out so cleansing of female body is done naturally...which a man cnt do, than why is man called supreme not female.
  3. as well female is bless to give birth to a new living being...which a man cnt do, than why is man called supreme not female.
  4. have you thought: all the rules in every religion is only on female and "NO RULE FOR MAN". than think again.
  5. in Indian female is address as prakruti (mother nature giving birth to another life), also known as Lakshmi Goddess (as she blesses the house with luck,wealth).
  6. our ancestor were smart not foolish to follow something whatever was needed to take care for female care during that time they did.
  7. but afterwards some few male made it as a religious belief and made a female to practice all rule as they say in the name of religion.
  8. biggest example given by God Shiva and Goddess Shakti wants us to respect female in her periods...(tell the below story in short)

a) when Lord Shiva was caring the dead body of Shakti Goddess, Lord Vishnu cut Shakti Goddess body pieces with his sudarshan chakra so whereever her body part fell on earth are known as shakti peth.

b) the Shakti Goddess garbhashay part (vargina part) fell in Assam which is known as Kamakhya Devi temple also known as  the bleeding Goddess.

c) intresting facts In the month of Ashaad (June), the Goddess bleeds or menstruates. At this time, the Brahmaputra river water near Kamakhya turns red. The temple then remains closed for 3 days, to give Devi privacy, and holy wateris distributed among the devotees of Kamakhya Devi. till the date this is been experience ...the Deity and temple of Kamakhya Devi celebrate this 'Shakti' or Power within every woman.

d) this teaches us our God and Goddess wants as to respect women when they are in periods and not disrespect them.


  • as there are so much development in hygiene product we can change these old myths....but still people follow the old practice without asking why it was been practice...
  • i dont belive in female period myth... i do my prayers and do visits to my temple no bad effects i experience till date...

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